Judy Is…
Judy Hehr invites you to uncover the WHO behind everything you think, say, and do.
Judy inspires you to ignite deep reflection so you can confidently own your influence and impact.
Leadership Coaching to Help You
Level Up
Judy Hehr offers personalized guidance and support, empowering individuals on their journey regardless of age, stage of life, faith, or level of leadership towards growth and enlightenment so that they can better navigate life challenges with confidence, courage, resilience, and faith.

Inner Fulfillment
Engage in coaching with Judy to unlock deeper levels of personal contentment and fulfillment.

Navigate Challenges
Judy’s coaching empowers you with insights and tools to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and faith.

Spiritual Connection
Experience an enriched spiritual journey, fostering a deeper connection with oneself and with a higher purpose through Judy’s coaching.

Personal Growth
Participate in coaching sessions with Judy to embark on a journey of personal growth, gaining clarity and empowerment to pursue your aspirations and goals.
Level Up With
Coaching With Judy Hehr
When Judy is your coach you get the best in class tools for development including PQ, EQ, CIQ and Energy Leadership.
Judy’s coaching program is designed with you and your desired end goals in mind.
One on one sessions are 50 minutes and if desired, recorded. Committment for coaching is 3 month minimum and includes the IGNITE SERIES, assessments, a copy of SHATTERED, and ‘just in time’ coaching.
Click to schedule complementary coaching, and call to learn more – 262-206-4040
“Judy is trustworthy, intuitive, understanding and passionate. Her high energy is contagious and I felt like the only person on the planet in her presence.”
Katie May Myers
EL Teacher | Eau Claire
“Judy has changed my life! Why? Because she has witnessed the things she trains and teaches on”
Mary Jane Kansas
“Coaching with Judy has been one of the greatest blessings I’ve ever been gifted.”

Connect with Judy
Contact Judy for speaking engagements, individual or group coaching, as well as workshop training and retreat facilitation.